Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why Wrap?

Because this wrap uses your entire back, as well as your shoulders to carry the weight of your baby, this will be the most comfortable baby carrier you’ve ever used. Unlike other carriers, which have narrow straps or go across one shoulder, the Wrap is a wide piece of fabric that is wrapped over both shoulders. It is amazingly comfortable and easy to wear. There are no buckles, snaps or other fasteners. It is easy to adjust the fit of your Wrap by varying how tightly you wrap yourself and your baby.


With the single stretch cotton and the width of the Wrap, your baby is wrapped close and tight, ensuring a secure hold. Leaning down to get things is dangerous with other carriers because the baby is not secure, however with this wrap, you will feel the difference. Your baby’s head can also be secured under the stretchy cotton fabric for added safety and support. You can finally have both hands free and know your baby is safe and secure. 

Preemie Development
The Wrap is an optimal baby carrier for premature infants. Preemies are often prescribed to practice "kangaroo care" and this skin-to-skin practice used to increase birth weight can be easily achieved while wearing the Wrap. Wearing your baby also protects them from unwanted hands and germs.

Soothes Fussy Babies
Your baby can hear your heartbeat while in the wrap and finds comfort in the warmth of your body, and sound of your heartbeat within the cuddly confines of the Wrap. It is amazing how quickly a baby will settle down once wrapped in the Wrap. Experts like Dr. Sears, stress the importance of holding your baby often and close. The Wrap allows you to do this with ease. The style of the wrap insures your baby is uniquely close, while providing ultimate comfort and support. There is not a lot of extra material or bulky padding between you and your baby. No more aching backs or tired arms! Now your baby can be kept close and happy for as long as he or she desires. 

There are many ways to wear your Wrap. You can wear your baby facing you, facing the world, sideways or on your back. You can even wear the wrap with Twins and while Nursing! When not being used as a carrier, the Wrap can be used as blanket, pillow, car seat cover or anything else that comes to mind. The Wrap is also long enough to adapt to your growing baby. The fabric can hold up to 45 lbs, and most people feel comfortable carrying up to 35 lbs.

Machine Washable
The Wrap is easy to clean. You can machine wash your in cold water and tumble dry low. Slight shrinkage after washing may occur. Once you start wearing your again, it will stretch out.
We recommend washing the wrap with baby-friendly detergent before wearing with a newborn – as is recommended with all new baby-items.

• reduce crying

• increase baby’s weight

• help prevent colic

• increase baby’s overall health**

• boost milk production

• improve baby’s sleep time and quality

• lower baby’s (and mother’s) stress hormones

  • Comfy

  • Secure

  • Soothing

  • Versatile

  • Machine Washable

  • Preemie to 35 lb

  • Front Pouch on select Wraps  


Medical Reasons for Wearing your Baby

Babywearing Proven to be Beneficial Mentally and Physically for your baby
Babies cry less
Research has shown that babies who are carried cry LESS (on average, 43% less overall, and 54% less during evening hours). In cultures where babies are carried almost continuously, babies cry much less than those in non-carrying cultures.
Good for baby's mental development
Babies spend more time in a "quiet, alert state" when carried - the ideal state for learning. Their senses are stimulated while being carried (yet there is a place to retreat too). Studies indicate that 'worn' babies have improved visual and auditory alertness relative to children that are frequently left on the floor or in a crib or playpen. Other studies indicate that carried babies have improved speech development since they are more directly exposed to normal adult conversation rather than 'child directed speech'.
Good for baby's emotional development
Babies are quickly able to develop a sense of security and trust when they are carried. They are more likely to be securely attached to their care-giver/s and often become independent at an earlier age.

Good for baby's physical development
By being so close to your body's rhythms, your baby "gets in rhythm" much more quickly. Your heartbeat, breathing, voice and warmth are all familiar. Research has shown how this helps infants to adapt to life outside the womb.
Good for babies whose caregivers are overwhelmed
Babies who are not held need more verbal interaction and eye contact, just to be reassured that you're there. Carrying your baby is a great way to connect with him or her (and provide stimulation too) without the constant necessity of having to interact. Of course your baby is "right there" to enjoy whenever you feel like snuggling, kissing or talking.
Great for other people who look after your baby
Partners who work away from home, relatives and babysitters all have a ready way of connecting with and soothing your baby when they wear him or her too!
Babies with Special Needs
Babies with special needs often enter the world with fragile, easily over-stimulated nervous systems. Parents attempt to find the proper balance – to provide their baby with the sensory nourishment he or she requires for optimal development, while simultaneously avoiding over-stimulation. Infants that are carried in our Baby K’tan™ Baby Carrier experience the stimulating sounds, sights and smells that their parents experience while conducting their daily activities.
It is well known that children with developmental delays and special needs benefit from this extra stimulation, especially during the infant stage. The Baby K’tan™ Baby Carrier creates the ideal environment for development and growth. At the same time, it offers infants a tight, swaddled, deep pressure input, providing security and assurance to infants with Sensory Integration Dysfunction, and other developmental disorders, such as Down syndrome, Autism and Cerebral Palsy.
Studies have also shown that infants with hypotonia (low muscle tone) are adversely affected by carriers that place their legs in excessive abduction (legs spread too far apart).
Many people are discovering how well babywearing works in their lives. Try it for yourself and see!
Andrew S. Rubin, PhD, child psychologist and professor in child development and infant mental health at NSU, states “studies have proven that wearing your baby will facilitate mental growth and development, and using a Baby K’tan will promote the carrying for much longer due to its versatile functionality, ease of use & strength limit, as compared to the other carriers on the market.”

Aricle found on Baby K'tan website

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